The Norrelag is a theme camp at "Epic Empires", one of the largest LARP events in Germany.
We play a community of clans and individual characters who want to gain access to the land around the camp for themselves and make it arable.
We welcome individual or group concepts of contemporary cultures from Central and Eastern Europe.
The rough time span for our game is set between the beginning of the migration period and end of the Viking Age (1066)
We welcome historical as well as fantasy concepts with appropriate references.
Our aim is to create a playfully dense atmosphere in terms of optics and experienced role play, which is based on history.

Although the camp is clearly combat-oriented, we welcome civilian and other concepts that enrich our camp. Whether you are a farmer, trader, "soldiers of fortune", godi, völva, skalds, huscarl, drengr or jarl/earl and their entourage - there are opportunities for everyone to enjoy themselves in the Norrelag.

Are you unsure whether your concept fits into the camp? Write us using our contact form and we can discuss it together.

Originally, the idea for the Norrelag grew out of the player base called the Great Heathen Army (German “Das Grosse Heer”, “GH”) and the Norrelag orga (NORGA) is currently made up of players from said base. However, we do not see the trip to the Norrelag as an exclusive for "members of the Great Heathen Army", but as an open offer for the above-mentioned (individual) characters, "non-GH" groups and clans
With the GH forum, we have a dedicated platform with a large community and lots of background information gathered by our player base at our disposal. This is also where you will find the registration and where you hand in your style check.

Campaign Background:  The majority of the players are not exclusively playing their characters at this event only. This offers the players the opportunity to make contacts in advance and to get in the mood for the trip throughout several games before and after the Epic Empires. Months in advance, many players discuss the politics of choosing a leader or tease game offers for the Norrelag and events from the Epic Empires are picked up again at subsequent games. aber auf noch vielen anderen Cons weiter bespielt.

Conflict Game - Do's and Don'ts: The majority of the players are not exclusively playing their characters at this event only. This offers the players the opportunity to make contacts in advance and to get in the mood for the trip throughout several games before and after the Epic Empires. Months in advance, many players discuss the politics of choosing a leader or tease game offers for the Norrelag and events from the Epic Empires are picked up again at subsequent games.

In-Game Status:  The early medieval society usually has three status groups: slaves, free men and women, and the "upper class". We want these to be played distinctly. Unfree should be clearly recognized as unfree, for example by showing the attributes of an unfree and recognizable differences in clothing to the free people. Free men and women form the largest part of the player base who appear in a wide range - from the impoverished farmer to the rich trader. Free characters should be clearly recognizable as free and yet not stand out as much as the rich or influential "upper class" who are the least featured characters.

Avoiding Clichés: We strive to leave behind the cliché of the barbarians of the North and focus on a far more multifaceted way of portraying culture; including religion, tradition and society as a whole.

Style Check:
 Like other camps at the Epic Empires, the Norrelag conducts a style check of all its players each year. With this, we want to ensure that the character’s kit fits into the camp and that the player is supported in their costume development by the whole community.

DKWDK + DKWDDK (“You can do what you can actually portray”):
 We prefer a role play style that is as realistic as possible and avoids the method of “telling”. You can't really fly? Then please don't say you do!

This Is Not An In-Game Holiday:
 We ask all players to support the concept of the event, to contribute to the game, to be active and to motivate themselves and others. We explicitly don't want to provide an atmospheric camping weekend with bbq.

No Go`s:
Depictions of sexualized violence: We do not want and do not accept any depictions of rape, or sex in general, and are willing to respond to such behaviour with penalties, depending on the extent, in the form of warnings up to bans.

Open Smoking/Vaping: While smoking is allowed in the camp, we ask all smoking players to do so discreetly and only smoke in cupped hands, or in stealth vaporizers. The ambience should not be disturbed by cigarettes, packets or lighters. In the context of IC speeches or intense role play engagements with other camps, we ask you to completely refrain from smoking. With many photographers walking around the Epic Empires location trying to capture the atmosphere of the game, we would rather not see any photos with a cigarette/vapourizer emerging afterwards, so please keep that in mind.

Dense IT Atmosphere & Optics: We want to create the greatest possible immersion in the camp for both our own and external players. This is underlined by different role play offers, the celebration of the "Nordic" culture and a diverse community that contributes to the aforementioned with their character concepts.

For an overall coherent picture of the camp, we have the following guidelines for you:

  • The clothing and equipment of your characters should be based on historical models of the depicted epoch. That means the fabrics, colours and cuts should have been accessible.
  • Have as little off-the-shelf goods as possible and as much individualism as possible when it comes to clothing, equipment, and furnishings for your characters.
  • The social status, your origin and "professions" should be visible through your presentation.
  • Appropriate IC shoes are a basic requirement.
  • Your combat equipment should be based on the early Middle Ages. Weapons and armour should therefore not consist of fantasy elements. We prefer a realistic appearance of our army and would like to do without armour parts such as bracers and greaves, leather armour and leather helmets.
  • The visible camp equipment should fit into the image of a "Nordic-historical" camp and unsuitable objects should not devalue the ambience.

Extensive example images can be found in the galleries of the player guide [LINK] and in various photo albums [LINK].
Do you have any questions or would like more advice? Feel free to ask your questions in our forum – our community will be happy to help. Or use the contact form to contact your Norrelag Orga.

Big Moments and Depth of Play: In this camp, you'll find it all – from big public speeches that excite crowds to hushed conversations about private matters. From open, political election campaigns to scheming intrigues. From conflicts, as well as deep friendships. From celebrations full of joy to burials in deep sorrow. We promote this depth of role play through ritual festivities, singing, conferences and discussions, acting out conflicts, celebrating together, fighting together, all in the atmosphere of our historical camp decorations and wooden buildings.


NORRELAG – An exclave far from home, and yet the rights of the northerners prevail. Land - taken with blade, spear and blood. Held by shield, trade and the eternal desire for one's own soil.
Justice is administered under the eyes of the gods, as the ancestors in the North did. And so the sacred right of hospitality came to the strife-lands. All this - judgment, tradition, and the will not only to conquer but to settle, means Norrelag.

Norrelag is the name of a piece of land within the Warring Lands featured on Epic Empires that players in this camp refer to as "their" land. Nordic law prevails in this country. While the Norrelag is now inhabited all year round, the Norreborg offers refuge and protection to the clans belonging to the respective army once a year.

NORREBORG - A fortress, magnificent and powerful at the same time, dangerous as a beast. Like hungry wolf eyes, their towers survey the surrounding lands and camps, ever greedy for prey. Like fangs, spears and axes tower over the fortified walls, ready to rob silver and life.This predator's fur is iron, and its flanks form circular shields in the colors of its kin. Under the banner of the raven, a harsh wind brings men and women willing to give their all to fulfill their destiny.als alles zu geben. Die Norreborg ist unsere Trutzburg, sie soll den Männern und Frauen in Norrelag Schutz bieten.

The Norreborg is home to clan camps, trading posts and places of worship. Although her crew represents a well-fortified community, guests are always welcome.
The pragmatism of its residents makes it possible to work with almost any other camp.
In addition to a harmonious look behind the walls, our focus is particularly on the playability of our weir system - it is not a backdrop, but a stage!

The camp will be in the same place as in previous years and will again be equipped with the same ramparts. Two defense platforms, a tower, battlements and two gates are to be integrated into this construction. The construction should be built in such a way that it offers the most varied terrain and play options for defenders and attackers and be 100% playable right down to the roofs.
Five days before the start of the event, the first players and the organizers are on site and start setting up. Helping hands are always welcome. Participation in the construction team is voluntary and can be selected during registration if you are interested
The dismantling takes place together - usually first weir system and general camp equipment, then the individual group camps, then the private equipment. In contrast to voluntary participation in set-up, dismantling is mandatory for all participants.



f you or your group would like to be part of a growing community of enthusiastic live role players, sign up for the Norrelag.
Become part of a lively camp with plenty of room for personal initiative.

We look forward to seeing you!

If you have any questions, please use our contact form, we are always happy to help and advise you.ite.

